Past, current and future projects tackled by West Indies Marine Research & Conservation Org.
Ex-Situ Coral Aquaculture
Utilizing ex-situ microfragmentation & re-skinning techniques pioneered by Dr. David E Vaughan to create reproductively capable corals within a fraction of the time required using traditional coral methods
In-situ Coral Restoration
Taking corals grown in the ex-situ aquaculture and out-planting them onto reefs in need
Passive Restoration
Identifying ecologically significant coral reef habitats and creating MPAs to reduce human impacts on those sites
Research & Monitoring
Monitoring marine populations to establish baselines and quantify changes to the local environment, implement policy, gauge restoration effectivity, and adapt conservation techniques.
Community Outreach
Holding lectures, reef clean-ups, and lionfish derbies to engage and inform our community on the challenges that our local coral reef habitats face
Invasive Species Control
Conducting regular hunts for invasive lionfish in order to mitigate the negative impacts they have on fisheries populations and coral reef habitat